Committee Meetings

All APG committees are board-level committees featuring APG Board members only. They are either related to Board governance, as in the case of the Executive Committee, or to particular topics of great interest to Board members.

Executive Committee

Staff Coordinator: Susan Dentzer, MS, President and CEO

The Executive Committee of the APG Board of Directors facilitates decision making between board meetings and has initial oversight of high-level organizational matters including membership and financial matters.

Federal Policy Committee

Staff Coordinator: Jennifer Podulka, Vice President of Federal Policy

The Federal Policy Committee evaluates and makes recommendations about key issues affecting APG members at the federal level. It provides insight to the CEO and APG team on advocacy priorities and input on communications with policymakers.

California Policy Committee

Staff Coordinator: Bill Barcellona, Executive Vice President of Government Affairs

Made up of APG’s California-based Board members, this group provides insight to APG’s CEO and the full team on issues of special interest within the state. Each meeting of the California Policy Committee is followed by a one-hour briefing of APG’S general membership